My puppies are not an "industry". Know also, any dog which I place in a new home will ALWAYS have a home here, if for some reason they cannot be cared for by their new family. Please know: I DO NOT want - for any reason - any puppy of mine to ever face being "given up" to a shelter, rescue or worse. I expect anyone purchasing a puppy from me to always know I'll always have a place, or find a forever home, for all of my puppies in case of need.
This dog is being sold AS PET QUALITY and require this dog to be spayed/neutered by 13 months of age. If we do not receive vet documents confirming Spay/Neuter by 13 months we will require a $5000USD fine and forfeiture of dog back to breeder.
This dog is not to be used for breeding, It is to be a pet only! Infringement on this will result in a fine of $5000USD for every litter produced without written consent from breeder and forfeiture of the dog back to breeder.
The purchaser agrees that this puppy will never be sold, leased or given to any pet shop, animal shelter, research laboratory or similar facility. Should purchaser decide they no longer want the puppy/dog they are to notify the breeder immediately.
Puppy is not to be fed Blue Buffalo Dog food of any variety doing so will void all guarantees and contract will be nul and void!!!
1. The purchaser agrees that this puppy will always receive PROMPT top-notch medical care.
Purchaser agrees to maintain this puppy in good health, provide routine and preventative veterinary health care including, but not limited to, periodic vaccinations and/or inoculations, treatment for internal and external parasites, and - where indicated - heartworm preventative medication.
Purchaser further agrees to provide appropriate exercise as to each stage of the puppy’s grown patterns, in order to maintain this puppy in proper development of weight and physical shape. A proper diet consists of premium quality puppy food and supplements. Puppy is not to be fed Blue Buffalo Dog food of any variety doing so will void all guarantees and contract will be null and void!!!
Purchaser agrees to abide by all laws and regulations as to registration and licensure of their pets with the local and county authorities (dog tags). Most veterinarian offices can help you with the appropriate paperwork.
2.Seller is in compliance with all state and county laws and AKC regulations and makes every effort to ensure that the puppy is healthy at the time of transfer. We will not allow a puppy to leave until we are certain that the puppy is ready for the trip to your home and has passed a licensed veterinarian health inspection is free from any illness and is eating quite well on its own.
Your new puppy should be examined by a licensed veterinarian within 5 days of receiving your puppy to validate this guarantee however any exam performed by a vet belonging to the Banfield network of Petsmart or Petco will void this guarantee in its entirety due to their reputation of financial abuse of new puppy owners.
Should your vet find the puppy unfit for sale upon this initial examination it will be replaced provided the puppy is returned with a written statement from the vet stating the nature of their findings it is the buyers responsibility to return the puppy along with all papers and other package contents.
Seller shall not be responsible for medical expenses that buyer has incurred.
Your new puppy has been given vaccines that were delivered to us in a cold pack and were immediately transferred to a refrigerated storage unit the vaccine was used in the coordinating label placed on your puppies vaccine booklet following the manufactures instructions all vaccines are not created equal there for you or your vet may notice a different schedule has been followed according to the specific vaccination administered.
Because over vaccination can cause serious health consequences any vaccination given before your puppy is actually due for its next vaccine will void this guarantee and it's entirety all of our puppies have completed their regime of immunization to their age-appropriate vaccinations schedule at time of delivery.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to set up an ongoing appropriate vaccination schedule with your veterinarian.
Seller hereby makes a very strong recommendation against vaccinating small breed puppies against leptospirosis it has been known to cause adverse reaction's including Death.
Seller hereby makes a very strong recommendation against vaccinating your puppy for rabies before six months of age it has also been known to cause very adverse reactions and even death.
We assume no responsibility for any illness to other household pets resulting in being exposed to your new puppy.
1 year guarantee against congenital defects 2 year health guarantee if you keep your cavachon puppy on 1-800-474-7044 Order Code is 84337 for the 2 years, affecting the pet life (not breeding or showing ability) of the animal documented in radiographs and lab reports together with a written report by a veterinarian, noting the scanned microchip number (If Applicable ). All costs for vet exams and treatment done are the purchaser's responsibility.
If the purchasers veterinarian finds that this puppy has a congenital defect that is life threatening and is unfit for purchase, The purchaser MUST meet Breeder at the same meeting place where delivery occurred so Breeder can have this puppy examined by a veterinarian of their choice. If Breeder’s veterinarian concurs with purchasers veterinarian, then purchaser has choice to either keep said pup or wait for a replacement pup from the next available litter.
No monies will be refunded.
This is a puppy replacement guarantee only. Breeder has one year to provide a replacement pup of equal value.
Seller cannot guarantee the puppy against illnesses or opportunistic parasite brought on by the stress of moving (from our house to yours), shipping or motion sickness resulting from being transported.
Yes stress can ignite illnesses and opportunistic parasites such as hypoglycemia( sugar drop) or coccidia( dormant in most live animals) Giardia kennel cough, ear mites etc.
seller also does not guarantee the puppy to be worm free as this is an ongoing process that once the dog is out of our control is responsibility of the buyer. These are easily and economically treated ant and should they occur seller shall not be responsible for medical expenses or other costs that buyer has incurred by treating such conditions as mentioned above.
Seller warrants the health of the puppy for the first year of life against genetic hereditary life-threatening genetic defects involving the heart ,liver and kidneys if during this first year is deemed necessary due to identified genetic life-threatening defect the replacement will be made for the same or less value of puppy unless buyer prefers to pay the difference for a more valuable puppy.
However buyer must return the original puppy along with all registration papers immunization papers microchip registration papers etc.
In the unlikely event that a death occurred A necropsy must be performed by a licensed veterinarian and a copy of the report forwarded to seller for review by sellers veterinarian before determining if a replacement is to be made if our veterinarian concurs we will replace your puppy as soon as one is available all expenses are at buyers expense including the licensed veterinarian test professional diagnosis and
Necropsy if applicable as well as the return shipping and shipping of replacement puppy if the puppy becomes ill and the owner has the puppy euthanize without our prior consent no replacement will be me if the buyer declines the replacement puppy then seller shall be under no further obligation and it will be deemed that the buyer has released the seller from any and all further claims obligation or duty to this agreement.
Again seller shall not be responsible for medical expenses or other costs that the buyer has incurred.
It's guaranteed does not cover any cost associated with spaying or neutering him nor does it cover injury or death from any routine surgical procedure further guarantee does not cover any of the following conditions or minor flaws coccidiosis giardia hypoglycemia kennel cough, pneumonia, ear mites ear infections skin mites Cherry eye or any other non-life-threatening I skin or tissue issues allergies over or under bites herniation’s a non-life-threatening open fontanel non-life-threatening bone or joint disorders such as but not limited to luxating patella’s and heart murmurs that are not life-threatening seller cannot guarantee size color temperament coat type or fertility including the presence of testicles of any puppy seller cannot guarantee size or confirmation and does not imply or intend to imply any potential and or prospect of show or breeding quality of any puppy.
Seller cannot guarantee that dewclaws will not regret and will not be responsible for any vet charges the buyer may incur in removing dewclaws.
3. No refunds are given for any reasons. Colors and Coat textures can change and sizes are our best estimated guess. We are very firm about the refund policy, so please do not ask to have your money refunded.
3a. Health Exclusuons: Luxating patella (or trick knee, subluxation of patella, floating patella, or floating kneecap) is a condition in which the patella, or kneecap, dislocates or moves out of its normal location.Patellar luxation is a common condition in dogs, particularly small and miniature breeds. Umbilical Hernias are very common. They are neither life threatening nor genetic hereditary.
A clear discharge is normal, especially when the puppy is teething. Open Fontanels ( soft spots in the skull) are also common, and close as your puppy matures. It is up to each new pet owner to decide if they would like to fix an umbilical hernia at the time of spay or neuter. I do not cover any type of vet bills, the decision to fix a umbilical hernia is up to the new owner. No refunds for minor conditions such as coccidia or giardia.
4. This contract is not transferable to a third party should purchaser sell or give the puppy to someone else.
5.This puppy is sold as “Pet Quality” but may have “Show Potential”. However, since puppies change, as they mature, Breeder cannot guarantee color, size or temperament after said puppy is in the care of the Buyer.
a) Seller strongly recommends that Purchaser attend obedience classes with puppy and continue to provide proper socialization opportunities for puppy at every available opportunity.
b) Seller shall not be held responsible for acts of puppy which are due to Purchasers negligence in properly socializing and/or failing to train and work with their puppy to become a socially responsible dog owner.
c) Purchaser agrees that this puppy is NOT to be LEFT CHAINED UP IN A BACKYARD OR KEPT SOLELY IN A KENNEL FOR EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME. This puppy is sold with the understanding that it is to go to carefully selected parties and that PURCHASER AVOWED the puppy would become a member of the family. This understanding between Seller and Purchaser is to assure proper development and maintenance of the temperament for which the animal was bred.
6. If placed as a breeding dog: Seller is not responsible for the bitches or sires ability to breed or the quality of pups or size of the litters. It is the buyer’s sole responsibility for bills incurred from breeding this dog.I will guarantee that the animal be of registerable quality for its breed. This animal has been cared for by our family and was never a brokered pet. By signing this contract you agree to the conditions as stated above. You also understand that there are no other guarantees and you are taking full responsibility for the purchased animal. No refunds will be made due to owner neglect or injury caused after the animal is purchased.The purchaser agrees to the conditions as stated above and understands there are no other guarantees. The purchaser takes full responsibility for the puppy.
No refunds will be made due to owner neglect or injury caused after taking custody.
In the event that the dog is mistreated, neglected, abused in anyway kept outside and extreme heat or extreme cold conditions kept on wire flooring the seller has the right to rescue dog immediately with no notice or compensation to buyer buyer shall voluntarily surrender any kennel club registration papers (if Applicable )
microchip records and or health records.
The purchaser authorizes the breeder to take possession of the puppy/dog from any dog catcher, rescue, humane society or private party that has found, caught or had relinquished to them the above animal, until the purchaser can be notified. The purchaser agrees to reimburse the breeder for associated costs. If the purchaser cannot be found, the breeder is authorized to take full ownership after 2 weeks.
Both parties agree that they will not disparage or denigrate each other orally electronically or in writing.
Should buy or make such online derogatory claims buyer agrees to pay the cost of such negative claims and remark she moved from the World Wide Web buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable expenses of such enforcement including sellers necessary attorney fees court costs and/or fees to the online company to remove derogatory complaints.
Seller may except credit cards as a convenience to the buyer.
Buyer agrees that no chargebacks or disputes will be filed through a credit card company or financial institution for any reason in the event of legal action necessary to enforce the obligations on the fire by the seller the buyer shall be responsible for all reasonable expenses of such enforcement including sellers necessary attorney fees court costs and travel fees.
There are NO Refunds given!
Seller has the right at any time to decide to stop breeding activities in this case no replacement pump we shall be given and this contract is Null and void and no cash refund shall be made
Purchaser agrees that he/she has read and understands this contract fully, will comply with the contract, and that this contract is under the jurisdiction of the State of Minnesota, Isanti County, It is agreed that that the place of venue shall remain in Isanti County with the State of Minnesota
Any court action shall be heard in the county of Isanti, Minnesota..
The purchaser understands and agrees to the terms and conditions stated above.
I acknowledge that I have received an animal disclosure statement. I understand I have the rights and responsibilities as a purchaser and I agree to follow the terms and conditions stated above.
I the buyer of a puppy from Ballyhara hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of this contract and acknowledged by signing below that I have read understand and agree to the terms of this contract in its entirety.
Buyers Signature ___________________________________________________ Date :___________
Sellers Signature:___________________________________________________Date:_______________